Wahpeton Through the Years $25
A collection of photos and interesting facts about Wahpeton Through the years. The ABCs of Rosemeade - $25
More than a Name and a Date (Cemetery Stories - Volume 1) - $15
Obituaries and other information on people buried in Wahpeton's Old Fairview Cemetery (1885-1929) More than a Name and a Date (Cemetery Stories - Volume 3) - $15
Obituaries and other information on people buried in Wahpeton's Fairview Cemetery Wahpeton - $15
Richland County Towns and Townships - $20
An updated account with many new color photographs Rosemeade Pottery Advertising $35
More than a Name and a Date (Cemetery Stories - Volume 2) - $15
Obituaries and other information on people buried in Wahpeton's Old Fairview Cemetery (1930-1939) More than a Name and a Date (Cemetery Stories - Volume 4) - $15
Obituaries and other information on people buried in Richland County Poor farm Cemetery, Riverside Cemetery, Moore's Cemetery, and the Divet Cemetery We are offering a packaged deal when you buy both the Wahpeton Through the Years book and the Wahpeton Sequecentennial book for only $50.
#### Special Package Deal - All four volumes of More than a Name and a Date - $50 ####
Please support the museum by purchasing these books from us.